The majestic Irrawaddy River flows from north to south through the country before diverging at the Irrawaddy Delta to meet the Andaman Sea. With lands so richly diverse, new wildflife species are discovered regularly in the coastal jungles and central rainforests. Buddhism is a huge part of Burmese culture as it permeates daily life, in prayer, ritual and practice. While tourism is still at its early stages, there is an undeniable purity about Myanmar.
The most comfortable time to visit Myanmar is after the rainy season during the driest months from late October to February. Also known as the cool season, it is the least humid time of the year with temperatures as low as 8ยฐC in certain regions. From March to June, temperatures rise to over 40ยฐC, especially in the drier areas of the central plains like Bagan and Mandalay.
Amala Travel
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