As an all-year-round destination with plenty of unique experiences to offer in each season and region, it is no wonder that Japan always manages to bring us back. From its sophisticated cities to its quaint countryside towns, its elegant hotels to its traditional ryokans, much of Japanese culture, so ingrained in and demonstrative of their hospitality, will never cease to englighten and inspire. As dedicated as we are towards introducing Japan's distinct culture, our journeys to Japan will bring you to lesser known regions for a more authentic, inclusive and immersive acquaintance with its history, cuisine and art.
With each region having its own perfect time to visit, Japan is generally an all-year-round destination; but the best time to visit is in spring (March & April) or in autumn (October & November), when the weather is clear and dry. The cities are hot and humid throughout the summer months (May to September), with plenty of heavy rainfall across the country, except in Hokkaido, in June and July. In winter, days are cool and crisp, with heavy snowfall in Hokkaido and the Japanese Alps.
Spring (March – April)
Summer (May – July)
Autumn (October – November)
Winter (December – February)
Amala Travel
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